Understanding the Difference Between Crème Anglaise and Pastry Cream

Understanding the Difference Between Crème Anglaise and Pastry Cream
By Tanya Novak, Head Chef at Art Bakery & Gourmet, Marbella

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If you’ve spent any time exploring classic French desserts, you’ve probably come across these two famous custards: Crème Anglaise and Pastry Cream (Crème Pâtissière). They share similar ingredients—milk, eggs, sugar, and often a touch of vanilla—but they serve two very different purposes in the pastry world. Here’s a brief guide to help you understand what sets them apart:

1. Consistency

  • Crème Anglaise is a pourable custard sauce. It’s meant to be smooth and velvety, ideal for drizzling over desserts like cakes, fruit, or puddings.

  • Pastry Cream is much thicker and has enough body to be piped, scooped, or spread without running. This sturdier texture makes it the perfect filling for pastries, tarts, and cakes.

2. Thickening Agent

  • Crème Anglaise thickens primarily through gentle cooking of egg yolks. There’s typically no starch in the recipe, and the custard is taken off the heat as soon as it lightly coats the back of a spoon.

  • Pastry Cream uses starch (like cornstarch or flour) as well as egg yolks to create a more robust, stable custard. This is why it can be cooked to a thicker consistency without curdling.

3. Uses

  • Crème Anglaise is most often used as a sauce or as a base for ice cream. Its luxurious, silky texture offers a delicate complement to many desserts.

  • Pastry Cream is used as a filling for eclairs, cream puffs, fruit tarts, and more. Its thicker nature allows it to hold shape within pastries or between cake layers.

4. Cooking Technique

  • Crème Anglaise must be cooked over low heat while stirring constantly. It should never come to a boil, or else it may curdle.

  • Pastry Cream can withstand a brief boil (often required to activate the starch and fully thicken the custard). However, it’s also crucial to keep a close eye on it to avoid burning or overcooking.

Both of these custards showcase the beauty and richness that real vanilla brings to the table—whether you’re using vanilla extract or fresh vanilla beans. I often say that if you master these two basics, you’ll open the door to a world of elegant French desserts!

With sweet wishes,
Tanya Novak
Head Chef, Art Bakery & Gourmet, Marbella


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